I am training for a 5k run that is happening in May. I am doing the Cool Running- Couch-to-5k running plan. Even though I can run for 15 minutes at a time I decided to listen to what they said on the website and start from the beginnng to build up the strength and endurance I'd need to run the entire 5k. Tonight I did the Week 1 workout 2, which was "Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes". I did this at the gym tonight and admit I felt kind of silly jogging then walking, jogging then walking again.... but it will be worth it!
I really love running and the solitude aspect of it. I love that it is something that is all about me. It is about my fitness and my time. I hope that this plan works and I feel even stronger by the end of it :)
Lisa <3
Wow! You are an inspiration! I know I could walk a 5K, but I've wanted to run one for a while now. Of course, I haven't wanted it enough to actually train. You go, girl!!