Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Knitted Ornament Progress and Reading On

 Hello Friends,

I hope you are doing well. Thank you all for the congratulations last week on the purchase of our townhouse. We are so excited to move and it was so nice sharing the news with you. I look forward to our next visit to the house to take measurements and see it after buying it. 

I knitted more of the ornament this week and see the tree emerging more. I love this pattern by Patons. It is called the Merry Fair Isle Ornament and it is one of the five different patterns available to knit. It feels so festive knitting it. I can't believe Christmas is 121 days away now that makes me excited! If you didn't know how crazy I was for Christmas now you do! I can't wait to hang this ornament on our tree in our new home.

I am still reading Everything is F*cked by Mark Manson. It is really interesting and he is talking about hope right now in the book. It makes me really realize that hope it a very important motivator in our lives. I am also reading Sorry I'm late I Didn't Want to Come by Jessica Pan. She is trying out different things in order to help herself to meet new people and try out new things she finds scary. It is interesting to follow along with her journey for the year and I look forward to reading more. 

Joining along with Frontier Dreams for Crafting On and As Kat Knits for Unraveled Wednesday.

Thank you for stopping by today and I hope you and your family are staying safe. It feels like this whole virus quarantining and social distancing has been going on for such a long time now and I hope that we start heading in the right direction and getting rid of it for good!

Have a good day!


  1. nice ornament progress and the book you're reading sounds intriguing!!(we all need hope!)

  2. Wonderful stitching my friend. Good luck with your books.


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