Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas - Blogmas Day 25

Hello Friends,

I hope you are doing well. Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I know many of you will be busy today and I will be too. I am visiting Liam's family and my family today. This Blogmas has been wonderful, because I really enjoyed working on my blog and thinking of developing content that will be engaging and interesting. I always think about what I would like to read about when I am posting these Blogmas posts. I loved posting every day and some days I found it a bit tiring to be honest, but that is the good thing about it, that you have to come up with something and it can be a challenge sometimes. We only grow from challenges in our lives, and some you bring on yourself. I try to post more regularly throughout the year, but life gets busy and I let a week go by without blogging here and there. So I enjoy when I can do Blogmas and be more present here.

What Blogmas does for me, is it really gets me to be more organized in my plans for the posts and motivates me to plan ahead. When I don't have a plan I feel more anxious and when I do have a plan, I feel calm and focused. That goes for a lot of things in life, when we have a goal or idea of what we want to achieve, it is so much easier to get things done because we have a direction. I want to keep on doing Blogmas every year and I hope that you have enjoyed my posts this holiday season.


I will not be posting for a bit now that Blogmas is done and will be celebrating with family the next while. I will be back to share some posts about my Christmas and the gifts I got as well and how it all went. It feels good that now the shopping, wrapping, and baking are all done and we can just enjoy Christmas finally. I love December and all the build up and excitement, but it does sometimes feel like I am focused on a million things at once. I do look forward to Christmas day surrounded by loved ones and having everything done. I hope that today you feel the same and thank you so much for joining me today or whenever you can get a moment to read this post, I really appreciate you visiting. 

Merry Christmas! x

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas!! Have fun with your family and friends during this holiday season!


Thank you for visiting my blog! I really enjoy reading your comments, I will reply as soon as I can!

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