Saturday, April 27, 2013

Friday's favorite things!

Friday’s favorite things!

Hello friends, we have made it to the weekend finally!  I am sooo happy it’s the weekend because I get to devote all my attention to what I love to do most: knitting, crafting, blogging, and exercising!  I am so happy to be able to spend more time knitting my cable throw, it is a big project.  I will be posting my favorite DIY's, knitting projects, and cute things I like every Friday from now on.

Some of my favorite things this week are:

  1.       From BLAH to TADA! Taking paper towel rolls covering them with fabric, and turning them into a jewelry holder from blog blah to tada.
  2.       I love this capelet, it looks like three roses, it looks so pretty.  I would love to knit this! I found this on Fitzbirch crafts blog
  3.       This cute crochet ring! I would love to be able to make this! found on Pinterest.

  4.       The cutest gift idea! a woman gave her husband 12 prepaid preplanned date nights for each month of the year.  I hope my future husband does this for me! found here.

  5.       This DIY idea, Pick a silhouette. Cut magazine strips.  This is open ended to include everyone’s interests. I love that! can be found on
 6. cute button magnets found on

      7.      Stones with quotes and inspirations.  Looking at these immediately calms me down and reminds me what is important. Found on The White bench

8.  I NEED to learn to crochet and then crochet these Minnie headbands before going to Disney World! from Pinterest.

Hope you enjoyed my favorite things this week! enjoy the evening !

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Let only the good dreams in...

Hello friends,

While at Michaels the other day I bought  a dream catcher kit!  I was drawn to it because I have learned a little bit about dream catchers here and there and find them fascinating.   I think I am drawn to dream catchers and their history because I am part native generations back.   I researched them a bit and found the history interesting. 
photo source

Basically clans would create the dream catchers to hang above the babies as they slept.  There was a spider woman named Asibikaasi who would travel to the families in the Objibwe Nation to take care of the children and families.  Her travels became difficult so grandmothers in the families began making dream catchers to let the sunshine in and keep bad dreams out for the babies in their clans.  There was a hole in the center of the dream catcher to let the good dreams in and the web would catch the bad dreams.  To read more you can visit this website (where I got the history from).
The dream catcher materials in the package.
the materials to make the dream catcher

 I am excited to start it and look forward to posting how it turns out!  I enjoyed learning about the history of the dream catcher and I am so happy to have been able to share it with you.  I will be posting a picture of the dream catcher once I am finished making it! :)

Take care,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Neck warmer in progress..and new Florence and the machine song

Hello friends,

I have been knitting away at the classic cabled throw but also this gray hat turned neck warmer.  I ended up making it into a neck warmer because I misjudged how wide my head was haha.  It is turning out pretty good. I just wanted to share the progress with you and I hope to post some updates of the cable throw tomorrow! 

destined to keep my neck warm in the winter of 2013.
And.. if you are a Florence and the Machine fan like me, they have a new song out now part of the Great Gatsby soundtrack. Which is a movie I am looking forward to seeing.  I love their sound, their songs are always so full of emotion and she has such a strong voice. 
Have a listen,  I think it sounds great :)

Thanks for visiting!! I always appreciate the support :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Knitting Classic Cabled Throw

Hello friends,

It has been a pretty intense week watching news on the two Boston bombings and hoping that the death tolls wouldn’t rise which I am so grateful they didn’t.  I was watching the news all last night and sitting on the edge of my seat as they were searching for the second brother who was involved in the bombings.   My condolences go out to the families involved in the bombing and I am hoping that those hurt are in good hands and make a good recovery.
In other news I tried hot yoga again for a second time at my local gym.  I really enjoyed it and I went with a friend of mine from work who introduced me to it.  I think I will be going more often because I think the benefits of going to hot yoga are probably really good for you to release the toxins from your body regularly.

photo credit
I signed up for the Toronto Color Me Rad run that is taking place in June.  I am excited because I am going with my sister and my best friend Leeanna.  I am looking forward to trying something new.  So far I have done two 5k runs so this will be my third run.  Basically as you run people throw colored cornstarch onto you and when you complete the run you will be covered in paint. On the website they describe the color they throw on you as "non-toxic, non-rash-inducing, Kroger branded, colored corn-starch."(link) It looks pretty cool.

photo credit

I have started knitting a Cabled classic throw and am onto row 11 now.  I hope to have it completed for before my sister goes away to University.  I want her to use it on those chilly nights studying. 

I also have some baby doll knitting to do.  At the childcare center  where I am currently working we are waiting for some baby clothes.  It is handy to have the knitting skill at this point because I can step in and knit some hats and blankets and booties for the baby for the time being.  I will post photos when I am done knitting them !

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

DIY: Easter and Spring Wreaths

Hello friends,

I have a simple DIY for you today.  Since it is spring I feel the need to have flowers around in my décor.  I decided to make something fresh for Spring today.  I glued flowers onto wood wreaths and really enjoyed the process and being able to glue them wherever I wanted as I went along.  I also liked the way they turned out and hung them on my wall in my bedroom.  Below I posted the instructions so you could make your own.  Enjoy!

Here are the instructions:

If you want to make an Easter wreath you can buy an egg from Michaels

buy some fake flower arrangements from your local craft store and pull the flowers off of the stems.  

buy wooden wreaths from your local craft store. You can buy them in different sizes small or large.

Glue the flowers onto the wreath 

to get this...


and this..
final product (Spring one without egg)

Then you have your wreath!



Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

Hello Friends,

I found this cute photo on facebook and just had to post it here.  Adorable isn't it?

Happy Easter!

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