Hello Friends,
I hope you are doing well. I restarted The Miracle Morning routine in January this year. I had done the routine a few years ago and loved it, then with time I stopped doing all the savers every morning. At the end of last year I was starting to think about starting up again. Then I was listening to a Linked In learning podcast with Hal Elrod speaking about what successful people do in the morning and then I decided to start the routine again and buy the app. I am so glad I did because it is changing my life again for the best. I discuss below what changes I saw and what I enjoyed most about the routine over the past 30 days. I woke up at 8 am daily an hour or more before work and did the savers. I always wake up feeling hopeful for the day ahead and as I am doing the savers I am feeling grateful and hopeful as I bring intention to my morning and the day ahead.

The app has been so much more helpful and motivating than I thought. In a previous post, I shared that the app include a different video from people who did the miracle morning. This is an awesome start to my morning because they are always talking about how the routine changed their life and it makes me excited to continue on and see the same results in my life. I love how I can check off the savers as I complete them and there is a popup after that is so satisfying that says how many days you completed with confetti. In Hal Elrod's podcast he recently shared that they will be adding more resources to the app soon and I can't wait to see what else they share. Once I completed the 30 days (on day 33 now) I received a 2 minute message from Hal and it was inspiring to continue this journey.
The SAVERS (Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, and Scribing)
Silence - I have meditated for 39 consecutive days so far. Before this I wanted to have a more consistent meditation schedulem but it was hard to do it everyday because I didn't set time aside in my mornings. Now that I carved time out of my schedule before I start the workday, I am in the habit of doing it and it calms me before the day. I do guided meditations and the Insight Timer app I use will recommend meditations to me based on my mood and to offer me the best meditation for how I am feeling. I also join live events on the weekend and there is meditation as part of the event. Next month, I will be continuing to meditate using guided meditation, and also incorporate some just timer meditation to be silent and practice stillness and focus on my breath.

Affirmations: I would write that I am committed to my personal growth and development and my health most mornings. I also would find some affirmations or read out some from Pinterest. You can see my miracle morning board here for some ideas I have shared.
Visualization: I visualize what I want to see happen in my life. I picture a few things for my work life and also for my personal life. Doing this daily has given me direction and makes me realize what is truly important to me and what I want most in life. I have started making moves each day to obtain these wishes that I have been visualizing. I think this is probably my favourite and most important of the savers for me because I can visualize what I want every morning to remind me to keep moving forward and working at my goals.

Exercise - I felt so much stronger and more flexible as I am doing a 10 minute exercise daily. I have been doing the same morning stretch workout from YouTube daily. It is from MonikaFit and the standing morning 10 minute exercise. I feel like I am much stronger in the movements than when I started and feel more flexible and it makes me feel happy doing the workout. I think that the low impact stretching and movements helps to wake up my body and mind for the day. I want to check out some more of her videos to try out next month and also incorporate more yoga exercises.
Reading: I finished reading a book called The Bookshop of Yesterdays during the 30 day challenge. It takes me a long time to finish a book sometimes working fulltime and not devoting time to it. Reading part of the savers I finally had the push I needed to read a bit each day. Even if I read 3 minutes some days it was better than nothing and I enjoyed it. Now I am excited to read more self improvement books in the upcoming months to feel motivated before the day starts.
Scribing: I wrote in my 5 minute journal app by Intelligent change. It helped me to set goals at the beginning of the day and count three things I was grateful for. It also prompts you to enter some affirmations and what are you going to do today to make it great.
After the past 30 days challenge, I felt overall more positive and hopeful. Each day before work and my weekend days, I paused to think of what I was grateful for, affirmations, moved my body, read my book. I think doing these things each day made me so grateful for my life and excited for what is to come. The visualizations I think of daily keep me focused on my goals and hopes for the future and remind me of what is truly important to me.
Thank you for stopping by today! I will continue to do the Miracle Morning routine every morning and will share some more updates with you in upcoming posts. I think my life has improved since restarting this routine and I am so happy I made it a priority again. There is so much that can be shared regarding morning routine and my experience. Let me know in the comments below if you do the Miracle Morning too or what your routine is that works best for you.
Have a great day!