Hello Friends,
I was nominated by Kate from the
I Live, I Love, I craft, I am me... blog! I love getting nominated for these awards and I think it is a great way for us bloggers to network and get to know one another better. So here goes...
First 11 facts about me:
1. I am finnish, Scottish and
2. I was
born in Montreal, Quebec
3. My craft
of choice is knitting as you can probably tell from my blog
4. I love
sushi and Japanese, thai foods
5. I love
Netflix, I am always watching new shows and movies on there.
6. I am a chocoholic!
I love chocolate, I think I have a bit of chocolate everyday.
7. I love to
be cozy covered in blankets, under my knitting, it’s probably a big reason why
I knit!
8. I love
holidays and being surrounded by family during this time. My favorite holiday is Christmas! I usually
start celebrating at the beginning of November.
9. I am
going back to school in the fall to earn my Bachelor of Arts
degree! I am so excited!
10. I am so
scared of spiders...will that fear ever go away? I get so squeamish when I have
to kill one
11. I love looking at quoted photos on Pinterest when I have time to browse through. They are so inspirational and uplifting!
To answer
Kate’s questions:
I love
hearing the sound of the rain, coming from Africa it is seen as a gift, how do
you feel about the rain?
I like
listening to the sound of rain too. I
especially love those days when I can sit with a book by the window
and read while hearing the pitter-patter of rain hitting the window.
Photo Source
Ever done
something at school that at the time seemed really cool but now - you've
realised 'how silly' it was?
I think
that a lot of what we do in school is silly when we look back, arguments,
drama, it’s all because we are still
young and trying to figure ourselves out.
I think we would do it differently if we went back as adults. Nothing in particular stands out for me :P
Got any
tattoos and/or piercings? Care to share/reveal??
I have some piercings.... on my
ears! Not uncommon I know.
What is
on your knitting needles or crochet hook at the moment?
I have the second orange sock on
my needles now. I just learned the
basics of learning how to knit socks and I am really enjoying it so far!
When I
need a little 'me time' I put on the fairy lights, light some incense and reach
for my crafting - what do you do?
I usually like to knit and watch
a movie or a show on Netflix to have the downtime to just relax.
What is
the perfect film to take your best friend to see? (Can be current or vintage)
and why that particular one?
I think the “Other Woman” because
it speaks a lot to girls coming together to support one another. There are a lot of good messages to
friendship in that film.
Do you
have a favourite colour/s above all others?
I really like purple it is such a
pretty color. I like the color purple in
flowers and in nature. I haven't knitted much with the color purple which is now surprising me! I will be knitting some purple socks soon :)
Does that
colour dominate your wardrobe?
Not really, I have a few pieces I
think black and red might dominate my wardrobe but that is for work related reasons.
What bit
of technology could NOT do with out?
I don’t think I could go without
my phone and my laptop for very long. I
bring my phone with me everywhere as I am sure most people do. I love my laptop because I need it for
blogging and I have stored all my photos on my laptop. I think I could go with out TV for awhile
though now with Netflix and you can view a lot online.
Is there
something that wish you could perfect or even attempt? For me it is knitting
socks - something I will do......one day.
I would love to attempt to knit a
sweater! I have wanted to for some time now but I am too chicken. I know I have to just set some time aside and
start. Good luck with the sock knitting!
I just knitted one sock and it wasn’t so bad J
If you
could travel to anywhere in the world for a picnic with your most favourite
person, where would it be and what would be in your picnic basket - go on the
world is your oyster!
I have said before in one of
these question and answer Liebster award questionnaires that I would love to go
to Paris with my boyfriend. We could
have a picnic by the Eiffel tower! My boyfriend is like my best friend I think
that going anywhere with him would be the most enjoyable experience. We could have French bread and wine at our
I follow a lot of these blogs through my instagram account and I love looking through the photos they post daily. Thank you to all the blogs that are nominated for adding some colorful crafty works of art to my life everyday!
My questions to the nominated blogs are:
1. What inspires you
most to do your craft?
2. What motivated you
to begin blogging?
3. Where would you
most like to travel?
4. What would you
like to challenge yourself to do next in your craft?
5. What would be your
perfect day?
6. What is your biggest
dream/ goal?
7. what is your
favorite food?
8. what is your
favorite season?
9. what is your
favorite movie?
10. what is the
weirdest dream you have had?
11. will you nominate
11 blogs and answer these questions? Please!
Can the new nominees include:
· 11 random facts about themselves,
· answer my 11 questions,
· then choose 11 blogs they feel deserve the Liebster Award
· think of 11 questions you would like to ask them :)
Thank you for visiting! If you have been nominated please
answer the questions and select 11 blogs with 250 or less followers so we can
all link up and get to know one another J
Lisa :)