Sunday, August 25, 2024

Knitting Socks, Plant Updates, and Reading On

 Hello Friends,

I hope you are doing well. I haven't posted for a couple of weeks sorry about that! I love posting on Sundays during Evan's nap but sometimes his naps are shorter than expected and then I don't post and the week goes by so fast to post on Monday or Tuesday. I am happy to be posting today though! He had longer naps this weekend and it was really nice. He is almost 21 months old, talking a lot and so busy. We love seeing how much he is growing and learning. He will be moving to the toddler room at his daycare next Tuesday just because of space in the toddler room and the long waitlist, he hasn't moved up yet and he is definitely ready. I bought some "back to school" clothes for him yesterday for the Fall. It is just fun this time of the year with bigger kids going back to school or starting Kindergarten to also get Evan some new clothes and a bigger backpack. I always like doing a seasonal clothing update for him anyways. I shop mostly at Carters I love their clothing from when Evan was a baby. I want to buy some more Halloween clothes, books, toys etc soon as well. I will usually buy some books and things from Indigo as well. I love the holidays and it is so fun with a child to celebrate with.

I have been continuing to knit the socks called My Favorite Vanilla Socks by Meaghan Schmaltz. I have been enjoying just knitting in the round for awhile. I have to knit 6 inches of the leg and I have knitted 4 so far. then will work on the heel flap.

I have been reading Doing it All by Whitney Casares it has been helpful for creating a schedule for responsibilities and projects.  I had taken a break reading The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Siegel, but I want to pick it up again this week. I read some really interesting points regarding communicating with children that I think will help me in the future as Evan gets older.

I have repotted my couple of plants on our terrace into some planter pots I bought on Amazon. I like the look of them and I have one more pot that I want to buy some flowers to plant in them. At this point I will see which flowers will last in the late Summer into Fall. 

Thank you for visiting my blog today! What are you working on this weekend? I hope that you all have a great rest of your weekend and good week ahead. 

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