Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring is finally here and knitted blanket update photos

Hello Friends,

I have been super busy with school work  last week I was preparing an essay to send in for Friday worth 30% of my grade so it was a big deal!  then I was also working a lot of hours at the store.  Excuses aside, today I have taken some time out after sending in my assignments to knit more of the blanket and also take some photos to share with you :)  I will be knitting and blogging a lot more now since I have finished some major assignments ! yay

I am so happy that we are finally having the Spring weather here in Toronto.  This winter has been horrible with all the snow storms and weather changes.  I have felt so much happier and lighter the past few first days of Spring!

Progress made on the blanket! still have a long way to go!

The clovers in the green pot and the daisies in the brown pot are sprouting! it really is Spring :)

As always thank you so much for visiting my blog I really appreciate the support and wonderful comments :)  I hope you all have a great day!

Take care,
Lisa :)
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  1. Spring was here but went away...
    Your blanket will be beautiful...
    Have a nice and shinny week !

    1. I know the weather has been teasing us a lot this winter! so frustrating. I can't wait until it is Spring and warm weather all the time! thank you for your lovely comment, have a great day.

  2. Hi Lisa, well done on working super hard at your studies and now some time out for you, lovely. It's so nice that Spring has arrived here too, we have lots of spring daffodils lining the verges all over the city, I love daffodils, they're so cheerful.
    The blanket is looking good, you have a very neat knitting style.
    I have just finished two weeks of annual leave and I have done a lot on my blog if you fancy catching up. I'm back at work tomorrow and so will be back to my old 'slow' blogging self for a while.

    my blog:

    ttfn x

    1. Thank you Linda! It is so nice to see flowers again and just be awaiting the start of all the beautiful colors and blooms. I like daffodils too they are very pretty :) Thank you it is coming along :) I loved visiting your blog again and seeing the progress you made on the sweater, great work!

  3. Happy Spring to you! Love your blanket it looks great.

    1. Thank you Meredith! happy spring to you too! thank you I have been working on it a lot lately. I need to get it done in a week to be sent! :)


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