Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tree Trimming and first day of Advent!

Hello Friends,

Happy December!
Countdown to Christmas: 24 days!

Last night my mom, sister and I decorated our Christmas tree! We pulled out our old artificial tree from the basement and we hung decorations from years past.   We drank eggnog with rum and we ate shortbread cookies.  We listened to Christmas music while we hung the decorations and we laughed and joked about special memories of the ornaments and memories.  Before we decorated the tree we stuck to our tradition of indulging in a KFC dinner together.  I love this tradition and we waited for my sister to be with us back from school to all participate in the tradition.  It was good to have her back for a visit!

A festive drink I adore! Eggnog and Rum, delicious!

Festive cookies bought by my dad for our night of Christmas tree decorating

The tree view from below

The Christmas tree!

Thank you for stopping by and hope you have a good end to your weekend!
I will be posting some updates, our tree isn't fully decorated yet! we still need to add the garland and some more ornaments :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Leeanna! we really enjoy it and spending this time together :)

  2. Hi Lisa, when my children still lived at home I would wait for us all to be there to decorate our tree, much as you do, with festive music, food and drinks. It's a lovely tradition and I love it when it's all done and the room looks all Christmassy and cosy.


Thank you for visiting my blog! I really enjoy reading your comments, I will reply as soon as I can!

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