Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy September, Knitting Socks, and Reading On

 Hello Friends,

I hope you are doing well.  I am so happy it is September now and love this time of the year with back to school and it is almost Fall.  I did buy Evan the clothes and backpack for starting in his new classroom and the cooler weather coming. I am happy with my purchase from Carters. This month we have some family get togethers and our Anniversary later in the month as well. Fall is my favorite season of the year and I am looking forward to decorating, having fall drinks, and some fun knitting project plans.

I have been working on knitting the first sock of the vanilla sock pattern from Meaghan Schmaltz on Ravelry. I am almost done knitting the leg of the sock and will work on the heel soon. It is a relaxing knit so far.

I have been continuing to read The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Seigal and Doing it All by Whitney Casares. I will be ordering a book for Fall this week and will share it soon I would like to get into another fiction book.

Here is Millie sitting on the couch she was cleaning and was in a funny position. Evan is doing well and moving to the Toddler room this week! It will be an adjustment for all of us but he is so ready. 

Thank you for visiting my blog today! I hope that you have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I am thrilled it is September now!! Lovely sock you have there.


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