Monday, February 7, 2022

Weekend Knitting Copycat Cowl and Reading

 Hello Friends,

I hope you are doing well. This weekend was a really nice one filled with visits with our families and good times. I did a bit of knitting and reading here and there. I also worked more on the puzzle and will show you once it is done. The weekends always go by so fast. 

I knitted more of the Copycat cowl by Verna Glass on Ravelry. I like how it is turning out and interesting how you keep increasing the number of stitches as you go. I wasn't sure when I cast on the 88 stitches if it would be wide enough, but you do add on to the original number of stitches.

I read more of The Bookshop of Yesterdays by Amy Meyerson. The book is turning out to be so intriguing with lots of mystery and I am still reading on to find more answers. I have the other two books on the go as well, Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid and Expecting Better by Emily Oster. I am trying to focus on Bookshop for now to finish this week. 

Hope you had a good weekend too and have a great week ahead!


  1. I love the texture in that cowl. And I'm going to put the book on my holds list at the library.

  2. I might have to read that book! lovely cowl :)

  3. The cowl looks really nice so far!


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