Hey there!
I bought a few more balls of wool today to complete the baby blanket :) so I'll try to push myself to get it done ! I procrastinate too much :P I'd rather look through your blogs for an hour than get anything done. Which isn't so bad, I enjoy this time!
Today I almost lost my wallet, I went to the gym and left it on the bench, but when I was rustling through my bag to find my keys, no wallet was to be seen. So I bolted back to the gym where I found my abandoned wallet, the amount of relief is unbearable. These things make you think once and awhile, to keep better eye on our important things and also that they can be stolen, lost so easily.
The gym, I went and worked out now I am so happy. Maybe I'll lose some of these annoying pounds that have been attached to me for some time now. Yes the dreaded 10- 20 pounds, I'm sure everyone has that issue, if only I could lose 10 more pounds... and how easy is that? just eat better, exercise, but of course there's the Starbucks that calls our names, what is it? the banana chocolate smoothie? *mouth waters* sooo hard to resist. Anyways I'll make a point of resisting now.
I think I'll actually go and knit now, or read I would love to finish a book I am reading today, I have read 3 books this month, it was a goal of mine :) I really want to finish the baby blanket soon to, to give as a baby gift.
Anyways have a great rest of your day,
