Sunday, June 30, 2024

Getting Back into Knitting again, Updates, and Reading On

 Hello Friends,

I hope you are doing well! It has been awhile and the reason for a couple months away is that I never looked up my next knitting project and then I went back to work. It was a busy couple of months that I didn't write or knit. I really missed writing here to you and also I missed knitting! Summer has always been my less inspired time of the year to knit or craft. I guess it is warmer and busier with family vacations and trying to be outdoors.

I love to knit socks in the Summer and have decided to cast on some socks now as my next project. I bought some Kroy sock yarn and found a fun pattern called My Favourite Vanilla Socks by Meaghan Schmaltz. I started knitting it once I got my sock yarn in the mail from Michaels. I am using US 2, 2.75 mm double pointed needles even though the project calls for circular I saw that afterwards but I do like knitting using dpns for socks.

Millie and Evan are doing well. Evan is 19 months old now! Time is flying by and he is doing so well in daycare and playing with the other children and getting along well with the teachers. It was a really nice transition that he settled in before I went back to work. I am glad we had that time and he was sick a bit here and there and I could keep him home. Here he is below at our recent family trip to a cottage nearby in Kawartha lakes area. It was so nice there and he enjoyed playing in the grass.

Millie has been great company while I am working and she likes the set up on the desk with her bed in front of the monitors. She sleeps there while I work. 

I just finished reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. It was a very interesting book it was so fun to read about Evelyn's experiences in acting and getting ahead in her career as well as her love interests throughout the book.  I am also reading Doing It All by Whitney Casares. I was just interested in tips on working mom and balancing home life and work together. So far it has been okay and I want to work on getting chores done and having more me time. 

Thank you for visiting my blog today! What are you working on and reading right now? I hope you are enjoying the weekend and have a great week!

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